Answers to your frequently asked fastener and industrial supply questions. We're here to help!
Glossary of Terms
A glossary of common terms and definitions used in the fastener and industrial supply industries.
Common Fastener Abbreviations
What does this stand for? A glossary of common abbreviations and their definitions.
Fastener Reference Guides
Helpful printable technical guides for drive styles, fastener types, bolt markings and more.
AFT Plating Brochures
AFT's in-house plating facility offers the most sought after plating and coating processes.
AFT Company Brochures
AFT Industries offers an in-house plating and coating facility and metal manufacturing facility.
Conversion Chart
Fractions to Decimals to Millimeters conversion chart. Print it for future reference.
Chemical Compatibility Table
Determine the suitability of various elastomers in a variety of chemical environments.
Product Information
Click to view product information including sizing & style charts.
Drill Bit Size Chart
Provides number, letter, decimal, fractional and metric equivalents for drill bits.