Underlayment Nails / Plywood Nails

Underlayment nails are used to attach plywood or composition underlayment to floor joists or existing wood floors. They typically have a ring shank for greater holding power and a flat head with a diamond point. Underlayment nails can also be used for other applications, such as attaching sheathing to framing or subflooring to joists.

Plywood nails are specifically designed for attaching plywood to framing. They typically have a larger head and a thicker shank than underlayment nails. Plywood nails also have a ring shank for greater holding power.

While underlayment nails and plywood nails can be used for some of the same applications, it is important to use the correct type of nail for the job. Using the wrong type of nail can lead to problems such as splitting the wood or the nail not having enough holding power.